A selection of stories from English 211, CCC Fulton's spring semester section of Creative Writing.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Car, by Kyle McIntyre

The office smelled like milk that had been left out in the sun. Flies buzzed on fluorescent lights making small 'tink' sounds. Cigar smoke permeated in the air, circling above an obese, balding man. This was Ace Roberts owner of Ace's Garage the only junk dealer within miles of the city. Ace had built up a reputation of being the most hard nosed junk dealer in the county routinely swindling his customers out of deals. Ace enjoyed preying on the weak and when he saw the kid enter his office Ace lit up like a Christmas tree.

“So tell me kid” Ace took a puff of his cigar “why do you want to sell this fine piece of machinery?”

Nick Connors was a boy of seventeen. His shirt was wrinkled and untucked and his jeans were worn to the point of holes. Band logos decorated his attire and his shoes were ragged. He had a hint of fuzz on his upper lip and dark circles under his eyes. He had gotten few hours of sleep in days.

'Good' Ace thought 'he's tired and not even old enough to shave. I'll take him to the cleaners.'

Nick shifted uncomfortably in the chair “We'll, it's like this,” Nick shook his head “this is going to sound stupid, but,” Nick's gaze fell to the floor.

“Come on kid,” Ace had put on his 'friendly' smile which meant he was about to rip someone off. “You can tell old Ace anything.”

Nick sighed “I think the car...is haunted.”

Ace raised an eyebrow 'Haven't heard that one before.'

“What do you mean by 'haunted'?”

“I think it can move on its own. In fact, I'm sure it has before.” Nick stammered “Sometimes, out of the corner of my eye, I'll see it move a few inches. Not to mention the radio.”

“What, is it broken?”

“No, it just plays songs from the fifties and sixties. I've tried adjusting the knobs, but every time I do all I get is static.”

“There's nothing wrong with classical music kid.”

“I know, but sometimes it plays songs depending on my mood.”


“If I'm feeling depressed the radio plays a slow blues song. If I'm feeling happy it plays a Beach Boys song or an Elvis.”

“Does it have that satellite radio thingy?”

“No, and heres the really creepy part,” Nick leaned forward towards Ace's desk “there's no announcers.”

“No D.J.'s or anything like that?”

“I've driven this thing for a month and I've never heard one disc jockey or even a commercial!”

Ace rubbed his temples. “If that's the reason you think the car's haunted then,”

“There's something else.” Nick blurted out “I think it hates my friends and family.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Ace was getting irritated. He wanted this deal to be over with.

“I was driving my mother around town and, of course, she started to criticize me. Next thing I know we're heading into oncoming traffic. She blames me, but I know it was that car!”

Ace sighed 'This is too perfect!'

“Alright kid since you put it like that, I'll take the car.”

Nick looked surprised he was sure Ace would have called bullshit on the whole thing. “Really, you'll take it?”

“Sure” Ace soothed “After all there's nothing more important than driver safety.” Inside Ace was laughing his ass off. 'You fucking dumbass.'

“Now I should warn you I'm a little strapped for cash what with the economy and all that.” Ace shrugged “So how's about three hundred dollars?”

Nick looked insulted “Wait a minute I paid a thousand dollars for this thing and it's in perfect condition!” He was fuming now. “I'll settle for five hundred!”

Ace's smile had disappeared. “Look kid this is not the place for haggling.”

“Bullshit! I know your the most crooked dealer in the county! Do you think I wanted to come here? I'd rather throw the damn thing off a cliff, but I want to get paid for this!” The lack of sleep and Ace's bargaining had taken it's toll on Nick.

“If you keep up this attitude kid, I'll have to call Gerry.”

“Oh, I'm so scared! What's Gerry gonna do, tell me to 'please leave' ? If you think I'm afraid of some grease monkey-” Nick felt a hand clamp down onto his shoulder. He looked up to see a greasy face with cool blue eyes and a mop of blonde hair staring intently at him.

“Have you been bothering Mister Roberts?” Gerry's breath smelled of alcohol. His grip on Nick's shoulder tightened.

“We've just been negotiating Gerry.” Ace leaned back in his chair. He knew Gerry could handle this.

“Yeah? Did you offer him a good price?”

“Three hundred dollars for that fine automobile.”

Gerry lifted Nick out of the seat. They were nose-to-nose now. “I'd take the deal if I were you kid.”

“But, I paid a thousand for it.” Nick was shaking now.

“And you drove it for a month which means its value has gone down. Besides Mister Roberts is offering you a good deal.”

“No he's not, he's trying to cheat me!”

Gerry slammed Nick against the wall. “You better watch what you say kid. Mister Roberts is like a father to me and insulting him should be the last thing you ever do!”

Ace stood up and walked over to Gerry. He put a hand on his back “Gerry come on leave the kid alone.” Gerry let go of Nick

“He's right I'm not being fair with him. So I'll raise the price to three hundred fifty and that will be my final offer.”

Nick looked from Ace to the frowning face of Gerry and back again. He sighed in defeat “Okay. Okay, I'll take it.”

“Alright, now we're getting somewhere.” Ace took a wad of bills, which looked to contain much more than three hundred dollars, and began to count. “Now, there's no forms or paperwork to fill out kid. Just give me the keys and you'll get the money.”

Nick handed the keys to Ace feeling a bizarre sense of loss as he did so. Despite all the problems he had gotten quite attached to the car. He thanked Ace for doing business and turned to leave. He opened the office door, but didn't cross the threshold. He wanted to get in the last word and his still hurt after the confrontation with Gerry. “Mister if I were you I'd be real careful around that car. I know I said it was haunted” Gerry chuckled at this “But, I think it's worse than that. I think it's alive.” And without another word he left the office in silence.

Nick descended the stairs that led to the garage floor. Crossing the floor he heard a sound coming from the end of the garage. The song “Earth Angel” by The Crew-Cuts was playing in a dark corner.

Earth Angel, Earth Angel
Will you be mine?

Nick was drawn to the music. His legs were moving by themselves and he could feel his smile growing wider. A voice in the back of his head was screaming to him.

'Get the fuck out of there!' His eyes widened and he ran toward the door. He felt a presence chasing after him, but he did not look back, even when he was outside the garage and running down the road he did not look back.

Gerry waited until Nick was gone before bursting out in laughter. “Haunted...Haunted car!?” He bent over holding his sides
“'Sometimes I think it's alive' ? What's wrong with kids these days?”

Ace wasn't laughing

“Knock it off!”

Gerry stopped immediately.

“What did I do?”

“You're supposed to intimidate people not throw them against the walls of my office! That kid could call the cops on us and then it's 'bye bye' business!”

Gerry threw up his arms “You know boss you have real gratitude problem! If I hadn't shown up that kid would still be screaming his head off about you cheating him!”

“Do you think I can't handle myself? Look Gerry, I don't need you to come to my rescue every time a customer disagrees with me! And what do you mean by 'Mister Roberts is like a father to me.'? As far as I'm concerned you work for me and that's as far as our partnership goes.”

“You know what, I don't need this.” Gerry turned to leave.

“Not so fast!”


Ace smiled “You're coming in early tomorrow for toilet duty.”

“What, why?!”

“Penance, for almost costing me my business. Now get outta here.”

Gerry slammed the door hurling obscenities across the garage.

Ace sighed, It had been a long day, but now he had won the battle and the car. 'I beat you kid, and now you have nothing. I always win.' Ace smiled at this thought then his eyes caught the keys. Normally Ace didn't drive any of the customer's cars being that they were usually rusted pieces of shit, but he had seen the car and the kid was right it was in perfect condition.

Ace strolled across the garage floor, there was no sign of Gerry, and saw her parked underneath a lone light fixture. A 1958 Plymouth Fury with a red and white paint job sat underneath the light looking sleek and seductive. Ace approached the car admiring its beauty. 'If you were a woman I'd have you right here and now.' He sat himself in the drivers seat. The car, strangely enough, smelled new. He stuck the key in the ignition, feeling excited as he did, and turned.

The car stalled.

“Come on baby,” He turned the key again. “do it for Ace!” he turned again and she came to life. “There we go!” Ace's smile was cheek-to-cheek. “I knew you'd work for me!” The radio turned on and “Sandman” by the Chordettes started to play. “A classic.” Ace sang along while snapping his fingers. “'Sandman, bring me your dreams, make me the cutest that I've ever seen!'”

Unbeknownst to Ace the windows had rolled up. The fan system had been activated, but was drown out by the radio's volume. The air began to feel heavy and Ace started coughing. With a look of horror he saw the smoke entering from the vents. Carbon Monoxide.

Ace panicked and tried to open the doors, which wouldn't budge. He tried rolling down the windows, but the levers wouldn't move. In desperation he punched the glass which only resulted in hurt knuckles and less breath.

“Gerry! Gerry! Gerr-” The seatbelt had strapped itself across Ace's throat, choking him. Crying out was useless anyway, Gerry was in the bathroom and couldn't even hear him. Ace was getting light headed and his vision was blurred. With one final act of hope he reached out and pressed the horn. There was no sound.

“No...” Ace's last words were barely audible over the radio. As the Chordettes finished their final verse Ace's body slumped over, the seatbelt had gone back to its original position. The windows slid down allowing the smoke to dissipate. The engine died leaving the garage in silence.

Gerry emerged from the bathroom still furious after his row with Ace. He had heard the car start and figured that Ace was taking the thing for a joyride. He saw that it was still in the garage. He approached the drivers side, noticing some smoke exiting from the windows. He reached inside and found Ace slumped over. “Boss, you okay?” He turned Ace's head toward him and saw glazed over eyes staring back. He felt for a pulse, there was none. “Oh god Boss! I gotta call the-” The window rolled itself up at an impossible speed trapping Gerry's left arm. He heard a crack as his forearm broke from the impact. His scream could not be heard over the sound of screeching tires.

The car's radio had turned on again except that this time the Beach Boys were playing “I Get Around”. The car accelerated, Gerry, still screaming, was hanging on for dear life. The car picked up speed across the long garage floor, while heading for the back wall. Gerry fought through the pain and tried to free his arm.
No luck.

The car's speed had increased and the radio just got louder. Gerry braced for impact, but at the last moment the car activated it's brakes and turned. Gerry's back was now facing the wall. The car drifted into the wall, Gerry's body taking most of the impact. The force sent his left arm out of it's socket. He screamed louder this time, spitting blood from his mouth. He wanted to die.

The car turned itself around and began heading toward the garage door. Gerry's vision was blurred, but he could see the car approaching something big and white. All he could do was whimper as the car smashed through the door, pieces of debris slashing him as he went through.

The car turned again, but this time the window rolled down sending Gerry flying. He landed on his already broken arm. He could see the car's door open and dump out Ace's body. Gerry began to cry as the car turned to face him. With only one working arm he tried to crawl away, but stopped, hearing a sickening crunch, as the car ran over his legs. All this time the Beach Boys were still playing.

With it's back toward Gerry the car stopped. In the darkness he could see the car shift and bend. Metal bent with a scream as the car began to repair itself. The front windshield reassembled as the chassis popped itself back into shape. After it was finished the car shifted into reverse.

Gerry opened his mouth, but no sound came out. The car began to back up over him. He could see the back wheel moving over his groin, but he didn't scream.

The wheel moved onto his chest. The weight crushed his ribs.

He didn't scream.

The wheel came up to his face and moved right on top of him. The pressure crushed his face.

He just stared in silence.

The car, still in park, began to accelerate, the back wheel, moving at top speed, started to peel his skin off. Gerry didn't make a sound as his skin was torn away and the wheel dug deeper. As the wheel continued to turn it took more skin with it along with exposed muscle. Digging deeper the wheel tore through muscle like wax paper shredding out his eyes. Exposed bone and brain were splattered onto the wheel as Gerry's body gave a final convulsion. With a crunch the wheel crushed his skull and then abruptly stopped.

The car drove itself off Gerry and made it's way toward the entrance. Activating it's turn signal the car turned and left Ace's Garage. The body's would be found later, but the car and any trace of it would be long gone. Heading toward the city the car picked up speed. Like a jilted lover, it was on a quest to find it's owner and make him pay.

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